We change the future
Our mission is to impact the greatest number of people, innovating in markets.
Industries that we invest
Our goal is to invest in unique models and in markets with great growth potential

It is the new era of education, we implement a method never seen before

We have the best professionals trained by ourselves

Artificial intelligence
We create and train AI to interact with users in real time

We can certify in any part of the world, the studies of a person

We create products focused on user experience

We have the latest technology in multimedia equipment

BluBank brings student credit to anyone, anywhere

We invest in implementing the metaverse in all our companies

We invest in projects with high energy and environmental impact
First green hydrogen plant in Colombia
We are a world—class team of industry—leading professionals, who constantly push new technology to its limits.

The fintech that believe
in people

Neo Education arrives to Latam
We are revolutionizing the traditional educational system, implementing strategies based on innovation, blockchain, metaverse, artificial intelligence and the optimization of academic processes.

we diversify and provide solutions to our clients in great potential markets

right now our employees and associates are working on bringing the future to your company
Get in Touch
Str. 99 #8-99 Bogota-Colombia
Col(+57) 319 679 8096